Yarne Winter Retreat

Every year Gampo Abbey engages in a deep retreat period during the winter months. The retreat is an ancient monastic form inherited from our Vinaya lineage and one of the three essential monastic ceremonies Gampo Abbey performs for the continuation and health of the Dharma.

The Sanskrit word for this retreat period is varsa, meaning monsoon season retreat. At a time when the monastic sangha was predominantly wandering on foot, the Buddha reflected that this season was one where the sangha would put undue stress on their supporters who couldn’t work during the monsoons. By staying in one place the sangha would also be less likely to harm small animals feeding in the rising monsoon waters.

The monsoon retreat was a time when the monastics could deepen their study, dive deeply into their meditation practice and engage in settled community life. In India, the retreat was practiced for three months of the year. When Buddhism came to Tibet the time was shortened to 45 days, the amount of time that it is still practiced at Gampo Abbey to this day.

The Tibetan word for varsa is yarne. After attempting the retreat in the summer months, while also trying to accommodate many seasonal tourists and visitors to Cape Breton during the holiday season, the Gampo Abbey monastics soon realized that the obvious season for retreat in Nova Scotia is winter. Nestled in, surrounded by snow and ice, and with the blessings of our Abbot, Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche, we’ve observed Yarne in the winter annually since 1985.


Yarne 2025

Yarne 2025 will be a closed retreat

There will be no application process for the retreat for 2025.