Gampo Abbey is a Buddhist monastery in the lineage of Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche in Nova Scotia, Canada. Founded by Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche in 1983, Gampo Abbey is guided by our Abbot Kyabje Thrangu Rinpoche and our principal teacher Bhikshuni Pema Chödrön.

Maitri Bhavana
We invite you to send names of those suffering from mental or physical pain to be included in our regular Maitri Bhavana practice. Maitri Bhavana meditation practice cultivates compassion by being willing to take on the sense of suffering of others, acknowledging our deep interconnectedness. A sense of spaciousness is directed to those who are suffering, with the intention of providing relief from the claustrophobia which suffering creates. This is intended for those who are ill as well as for their family and friends. Along with names, please send the nature of the pain, for example, cancer or depression.
To submit names for Maitri Bhavana practice please contact us here.
Sukhavati Practice
In the Tibetan Buddhist tradition it is understood that the individual’s mind transitions from this life to the next after death through the intermediate state or Bardo. In this transition, the mind has heightened awareness. Historically, it is taught that if the mind in the Bardo is not focused, pain and confusion is experienced. In this state of heightened perception the mind is more receptive to being helped through the difficulties faced in the Bardo. The Sukhavati ceremony is performed for the benefit of helping the deceased transition through the Bardo by lessening suffering, fear and loss and offering focus and clarity. In addition to the name of the deceased please include birth and death dates, a brief comment about them and a photo if one is available.
To submit names for Sukhavati Practice please contact us here
These practices are offered to all who request them. If you would like to support the community of practitioners who perform these ceremonies, you may make a donation online, by phone at 902-224-1358, or by mail to: Gampo Abbey, 1533 Pleasant Bay Rd., Pleasant Bay, Nova Scotia B0E 2P0, Canada