Donate with PayPal (Canada)
You can use this page to make a donation to support Gampo Abbey from your PayPal account. Due to Canadian tax and banking rules we are only able to provide a tax receipt to Canadian residents who make a donation through this page. US residents should use this page to donate online. EU residents may still use this page to make a donation to support Gampo Abbey from your PayPal account but we will not be able to issue you a tax receipt for your donation.
Please include how you would like your donation to be used in the comments box. Donations may be made to:
- Life Monastic Support
- Three-Year Retreat Support
- Acharya Monastic Support
- Gampo Abbey Scholarship Fund
- Annual Lobster Release
- Unrestricted
Unless you indicate otherwise, all donations go towards our Unrestricted fund which helps to support the day-to-day operations of the Abbey.